"“Spiritual abuse takes place when leaders to whom people look for guidance and spiritual nurture use their positions of authority to manipulate, control, and dominate.”
Speaking truth to power is vital as part of the process of maintaining checks and balances and thus a healthy community.
Where power has become corrupt, such truth speaking, from those 'under authority', is vilified as critical, divisive and satanic. In a religious environment, twisted scripture is used to justify ungodly retaliation which isolates, torments and finally ejects those who stand firm. Take Tyndale, Galileo, Luther, Cranmer or Wesley as examples.
While there may be some worth in the article below, endorsed in Colin Urquhart's Kingdom Faith Church (no accusations intended), I would suggest that a common use to date has been to protect a wolf in power, in the guise of a humble shepherd, through false calls to unity, humility and honour.
It is sorely in need of balance!
In the hands of the unscrupulous or self deceived it becomes a means to stigmatize the objecting victim, exonerate the controller in power and engender fear and conformity in the community.
I make a few suggestions in red, below.....
Full teaching article here: Leviathan Spirit
"Defeating the Leviathan Spirit
The enemy is opposed to the work of God and it is not surprising that we should experience attack from him at both a personal and corporate level. We have nothing to fear because Jesus has defeated all the powers of darkness by His blood, He has given us His victory and is our Mighty Warrior. However we need to be wise and vigilant so that we do not allow the enemy to take advantage without realising what is happening. He is a deceiver and likes to appear as an angel of light. This means he can work in ways that are not immediately obvious. He is both cunning and devious. So it is important to know our enemy!
In recent months Kingdom Faith has been under spiritual attack and we can praise God that, by His mercy, the enemy has not been able to have his way. It is as well that the situation was first addressed publicly last October, because the corporate response at that time has prevented the spirit sent against us to have much influence. I also spoke in January of the way that another major church was ruined by this same spirit that was sent against us, and I was determined that this would not be allowed to happen here.
Subsequently we have discovered that a number of strategic churches in different parts of the world have come under similar attack from the same spirit. One of those churches in America is pastored by Dr. Ron Phillips, who has produced a teaching on this spirit that we have found most beneficial, although it only came to our notice recently. He confirms much that we have discovered about this spirit, principally from scripture, but also from our own experience and from talking with other international leaders. I have incorporated this material in the explanation that follows.
In scripture this spirit is called Leviathan, which means "twister", for reasons that will become obvious. The nature of this spirit is described in Isaiah 27:1 and more extensively in Job 41. The Lord uses an animal to describe the activities of this spirit, probably the Nile crocodile that steals up on its prey, snatches it, takes it into the water and literally twists the life out it until it can then be consumed. In Isaiah it is referred to as the "twisted serpent." Having consumed its prey it then flees.
This demonstrates the vile nature of this spirit. In Job 41:34 it is described as "king over all the children of pride," and it is pride that gives this spirit access into people's lives. Its influence is spread through those who are guilty of pride and self-righteousness.
Who is to judge these attitudinal sins? It is common for accusations of pride and self-righteousness to be leveled, falsely, at questioning members by paranoid leadership.
Like the crocodile this is a hidden spirit that can be lurking in the life of a church, ready to strike when given the opportunity. When it is exposed for what it is, it loses its power and hold over people as soon as they repent for coming under its influence. So there is nothing to fear from Leviathan because our faith is in the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ has already won over all the powers of the evil, the victory that is ours through His blood!
However, there is a big difference between those who inadvertently come under the influence of this spirit and those who are carriers of this spirit because of their continued pride and their refusal to repent. Some serve Leviathan whether they realise it or not; others are merely unwilling victims. The description in Job 41 shows that this is a formidable opponent that cannot be captured and kept as a pet; the normal person would not want anything to do with such a spirit. Although hidden it can be very powerful in its effect on people, marriages, families, churches and even nations, bringing division for reasons that at the time can seem mystifying. There is no apparent reason for such division. "An enemy has done this!"
At this point in the article, the Leviathan Spirit is only identified as something which brings division. There is no hint at who may be carrying it.
We note that it causes division. Is there a balancing statement which recognizes that not all division is wrong? This was acknowledged by the Apostle Paul: "No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval." 1 Cor 11:19.
When the leader himself is in error - and has surrounded himself only by 'yes-men', and has no accountability outside the church, where can the needed truth come from?
Apart from being king of the proud, Job 41 mentions other characteristics of this spirit:
1) You cannot play around with this spirit; it would be dangerous to attempt to do so. It cannot be tamed and has therefore to be renounced completely.
2) You cannot enter in covenant with this spirit (v. 4). It encourages people to break covenant by encouraging those under its influence to leave churches. [Ed. Bold] It can destroy marriages and break up friendships.
Red Flag. Leaving church? Is the implication here that only those 'under authority' can be taken with this spirit. We'll see...
Is it always wrong to leave a church?
Perhaps item 2) might be better put, "It encourages people to leave churches for the wrong reason." There are plenty of good reasons to leave some churches. Some may leave to attend University, or to pursue a career. When a Pastor is an unaccountable narcissist - a wolf in sheep's clothing - bent on abusing and devouring the flock (many exist), leaving may be the only option.
'Leave' would, of course, be the best advice to those struggling within such a church. Leaving David Koresh's cult, a 'bible'-based group which eventually perished in flames, would surely have been within the will of God?
No doubt, if David Koresh had access to this teaching, he would have used it as part of his arsenal to keep his followers in step. In one form or other, it is recognized as being part of the common teachings of abusive cults. And of unhealthy churches freewheeling into cult-like behaviour.
Scriptures are replete with examples of men and women exhorted by God to flee both spiritual and physical abuse. Mary and Joseph under Herod, for example. Elijah under Jezebel. In many churches, the words of Jeremiah are apt: "What sorrow awaits the leaders of my people--the shepherds of my sheep--for they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for," says the LORD"
There is a clear danger this teaching can be used (and it surely has) by controlling shepherds to vilify upright, sincere saints, who have done all in their power to address erring leadership and failed. Such teaching is frequently used to demonize those who can see.
3) Leviathan twists the truth. It misrepresents what has been said, causing people to sometimes believe the very opposite of what was said. Those under its influence hear things in a twisted way, and then pass on this twisted version, often believing it to be the truth. So this is definitely a spirit of deception. It is this twisting of the truth that makes it a difficult spirit to deal with.
Is it acknowledged here that this spirit can affect the leader of a church, as much as the flock? Or is there just a one-sided application? Can only the rank and file sheep be affected?
We note that it is a spirit of pride. Anointed leaders, in Biblical literature, are notoriously susceptible to such a spirit. King Saul gives us, perhaps, the clearest example. Was David divisive in fleeing from him? Or calling him to account? Or surrounding himself with men for protection?
And are David's 'divisive' actions towards Saul to be equated with Absolom's self-serving actions towards David? This teaching does not distinguish between the two. And in a spiritually abusive church, David is taken to be Absolom and he is punished as David was by Saul.
4) You cannot reason with this spirit because it blinds people to the truth. In fact those under its influence can be so deceived that they do not appreciate that they are deceived or are twisting the truth.
It must be acknowledged that in all well-known cult-like groups, such twisting has come from the leadership, not the victims.
The Bruderhof, a christian community which historically abused its children and punished dissenting adults, ejecting them from the community with nothing, after life-long service is one such example.
Or the Exclusive Brethren, who practise similar excommunication and shunning, banning good people from access to their own parents and even failing to inform of their deaths, simply because a member was unable to conform to the legalism expected within the group.
5) This spirit can only be overcome through the supernatural activity of God's Spirit, not by any human means.
6) "His breath kindles coals," meaning that their words have a destructive, negative effect. Those under its power become very critical, especially of those in authority [Ed. bold] They become judgmental and their words have the effect of pulling down rather than building up.
At this stage, the attribution of a 'Leviathan Spirit' seems to be primarily to those who are, supposedly, 'under' authority. There is a huge danger that this teaching may be used to vilify genuine, concerned members of the congregation, falsely accusing them of being taken by an evil spirit, when in fact they are merely voicing what needs to be heard, in a spirit of integrity.
The Bible is replete with examples of the calling of God on men and women to speak Truth to anointed, erring Power.
Sarah challenged Abraham, Nathan challenged David, Paul challenged Peter. We are admonished to entreat our elders as fathers, if needed.
There is huge potential for paranoid, self-serving leadership to misuse this teaching against brave members, standing up for what is right, their own welfare and the protection of the flock. To re-phrase the quote: "Those within its power become very critical, especially of those who call leadership to account. They become judgmental and their words have the effect of pulling down rather than building up."
7) This spirit produces a hardness of heart in people (v. 24) making it even more difficult to bring those being used by this spirit to the repentance they need.
8) Because of its pride, and because it has access into people's lives through their proud hearts, this spirit wants to be in control. So those under its influence want to control situations in which they are placed. They resist submission to true spiritual authority. [Ed. Bold]
'Resisting submission to true spiritual authority' is a triggering phrase for those who have suffered under unaccountable, wayward leadership. This is a spiritual abuser's dream teaching!
Spiritual authority, whatever it is, does not exist to require submission. True spiritual authority exists and gains its 'authority' through meek, entreatable, self-sacrificing service.
Diotrophes still exists today: "I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not welcome us. So when I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, spreading malicious nonsense about us. Not satisfied with that, he even refuses to welcome other believers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church" 1 John 3
Many find themselves in a position in which they must resist false, or self-serving authority.
Given the few examples of errant communities highlighted so far, and the acknowledgment that so many 'free' churches lack the essential accountability systems, it ought to be evident that it is irresponsible to present this teaching without providing much needed balance. To fail to do so is to play into the hands of narcissistic leaders, of which the church has plenty.
9) This is a mocking spirit, and uses mockery as one way of attacking others. It will mock those who walking in obedience to the Lord or who disagree with them, so important to them are their own opinions.
Mocking is usually unhelpful, although it is noted that Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, seemingly with God's approval.
It might also be suggested that most mockery is found, not coming from the 'rank and file' member, but in regular preaching. Mockery of other denominations, mockery of the 'unsubmissive', mockery of those considered unwise, mockery of traditions and views held by those outside the camp. It is often a manipulative tactic of the insecure leader to coerce and consolidate agreement.
10) Not only do people become hard-hearted under its influence, they become thick-skinned in the wrong sense. The truth bounces off them!
It would be wrong to omit that leadership is just as susceptible. And who is there to hold it to account, if needed?
If your church shows signs of any of the following, despite its apparently sound theology, it may be reasonable to suggest that truth is bouncing off the leadership.
Link: Could Your Evangelical Church be Called a Cult?
Because of its deceptive nature, those under its influence can mistake its voice to be from God. Typical phrases that are used by those under its influence are: "The Lord said to me..." and "I felt in my spirit..." But when you check out what is said it does not tie in with either the scriptures or the way in which the Holy Spirit leads people. Remember that its intention is to encourage people to break covenant and to bring division into the church. It opposes covenant and wants people to excuse themselves from contracts and other commitments. [Ed. Bold]
Historically, it is often a Pastor who, left unchecked and thinking that his mind is fused with mind of God, is most guilty of imposing his will on a congregation under the guise of 'God said to me'. Often what is said does not check out or tie in with Scripture. Instead it imposes legalistic, lock-step behaviour and a false call to unity, which serves only the Pastor and the shoring-up of his kingdom, maintaining a steady course towards cult-hood. With nobody 'from the floor' to speak up, the slide is surely inevitable.
Proverbs actually exhorts us to remove ourselves from abusive covenants.
My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,
you have been trapped by what you said,
ensnared by the words of your mouth.
So do this, my son, to free yourself,
since you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Go—to the point of exhaustion—
and give your neighbor no rest!
Allow no sleep to your eyes,
no slumber to your eyelids.
Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Proverbs 6
The Bible teaches that believers have a Covenant with God.
What, however, is the status and enduring nature of any other covenant?
Is there a covenant between a Pastor and his flock? What are its terms? No doubt, David Koresh played the 'covenant card' with his own followers, resulting in their demise.
I would be forgiven for thinking that the above is more the language of dictatorial authority and heavy shepherding than true service to the body of Christ.
Surely even a marriage covenant, in which a wife is repeatedly battered and abused by her husband is not beyond dissolving in the eyes of God? Or do we ban her from remarriage because she has been a victim?
Not all covenants are binding at all costs...
Typically, this spirit brings false allegations against people, especially those in leadership. [Ed. Bold] Often outrageous things are said that are a complete distortion or twisting of the truth. We are warned in scripture not to bite or devour one another, or we will be consumed by one another. The honouring of one another is essential to prevent this spirit from gaining any foothold in the church.[Ed. Bold]
And typically, some errant Pastors, wolves in sheep's clothing, bring false allegations against those who call them to account. No, we are not to bite and devour one another. There is a respectful way to speak truth to power. But there is no honour where there is no truth. The 'honour card' is one of the most commonly played in an abusive system. It often deflects from the addressing of very pressing issues.
Truth is not to be trumped by 'loyalty-at-any-cost'.
Leviathan defeated Those who have advertently or inadvertently been used by this spirit need to repent and ask the Lord's forgiveness. Those who have been carriers of this spirit will need to be broken of their pride that has given the enemy opportunity to bring so much disruption into their own lives and the lives of others that they have influenced. The longer this is left, the more difficult it becomes to take the necessary spiritual steps to be rid of its influence. There has to be a humbling and a breaking of proud, self-righteous, independent attitudes.
Where there is such repentance there is nothing to fear from Leviathan, for the Lord is then able to restore people. During their time under Leviathan's influence they have not been able to prosper spiritually, but once forgiven and restored they can again flow with the Holy Spirit, the right Spirit. A true sense of direction and purpose is then restored to their lives, instead of the disruption they previously experienced
It is good for everyone to stand against being under any influence from this spirit by praying in the following way:
"Lord, I ask you to remove from my life any influence from the spirit of Leviathan. I reject this spirit completely and whole-heartedly. Forgive me for any ways that I have served this spirit either intentionally or inadvertently. Forgive me for any ways in which I have been twisted or have twisted the truth, that I have listened to distortion of the truth or have distorted the truth. I devote myself to bringing unity, not division, into the church and will therefore honour other members and those you have placed in authority. By your grace I will speak the truth in love and dedicate myself to expressing the truth of your word in my life, in the precious name of Jesus. Amen." "
Is there an equivalent prayer here, to be offered sincerely by those 'in authority'? I can't see it.
I suggest, "Lord I ask you to remove from my life any influence from the spirit of Leviathan. Where I have knowingly or unknowingly used my authority to protect myself from truth, to seek my own kingdom, to damage those to whom I am accountable in order to save my own skin, I repent. I will go to them and ask for forgiveness for my specific sins and yield to any process of accountability that will keep my self-serving pride as a leader in check."
After Leviathan
After the Lord had described this spirit to Job, he was humbled before the Lord: "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." His response was to say to God: "I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." Following his repentance and after he had prayed for his friends, Job was then restored by the Lord who "made him prosper again and gave him twice as much as he had before" he possessed before he came under attack from the enemy.
Life after deliverance from Leviathan is much better than it was before! We are told to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from us, precisely what God promises concerning Leviathan. So it is important to repent before God and to put yourself right in the relationships that have suffered while under the influence of this Leviathan spirit. So the effects of freedom from this spirit are corporate as well as personal.
In Isaiah 27, after the Lord has promised to deal personally with Leviathan, He tells the people: "Sing about a fruitful vineyard: I, the Lord, watch over it; I water it continually; I guard it day and night so that no one may harm it." (v. 2-3)
So your security is to be found in the vine. Do not allow this spirit to isolate you by drawing you out of this place of the Lord's security, [Ed. Bold] and thereby making you vulnerable to the enemy's tactics.
I make a few suggestions in red, below.....
Full teaching article here: Leviathan Spirit
"Defeating the Leviathan Spirit
The enemy is opposed to the work of God and it is not surprising that we should experience attack from him at both a personal and corporate level. We have nothing to fear because Jesus has defeated all the powers of darkness by His blood, He has given us His victory and is our Mighty Warrior. However we need to be wise and vigilant so that we do not allow the enemy to take advantage without realising what is happening. He is a deceiver and likes to appear as an angel of light. This means he can work in ways that are not immediately obvious. He is both cunning and devious. So it is important to know our enemy!
In recent months Kingdom Faith has been under spiritual attack and we can praise God that, by His mercy, the enemy has not been able to have his way. It is as well that the situation was first addressed publicly last October, because the corporate response at that time has prevented the spirit sent against us to have much influence. I also spoke in January of the way that another major church was ruined by this same spirit that was sent against us, and I was determined that this would not be allowed to happen here.
Subsequently we have discovered that a number of strategic churches in different parts of the world have come under similar attack from the same spirit. One of those churches in America is pastored by Dr. Ron Phillips, who has produced a teaching on this spirit that we have found most beneficial, although it only came to our notice recently. He confirms much that we have discovered about this spirit, principally from scripture, but also from our own experience and from talking with other international leaders. I have incorporated this material in the explanation that follows.
In scripture this spirit is called Leviathan, which means "twister", for reasons that will become obvious. The nature of this spirit is described in Isaiah 27:1 and more extensively in Job 41. The Lord uses an animal to describe the activities of this spirit, probably the Nile crocodile that steals up on its prey, snatches it, takes it into the water and literally twists the life out it until it can then be consumed. In Isaiah it is referred to as the "twisted serpent." Having consumed its prey it then flees.
This demonstrates the vile nature of this spirit. In Job 41:34 it is described as "king over all the children of pride," and it is pride that gives this spirit access into people's lives. Its influence is spread through those who are guilty of pride and self-righteousness.
Who is to judge these attitudinal sins? It is common for accusations of pride and self-righteousness to be leveled, falsely, at questioning members by paranoid leadership.
Like the crocodile this is a hidden spirit that can be lurking in the life of a church, ready to strike when given the opportunity. When it is exposed for what it is, it loses its power and hold over people as soon as they repent for coming under its influence. So there is nothing to fear from Leviathan because our faith is in the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ has already won over all the powers of the evil, the victory that is ours through His blood!
However, there is a big difference between those who inadvertently come under the influence of this spirit and those who are carriers of this spirit because of their continued pride and their refusal to repent. Some serve Leviathan whether they realise it or not; others are merely unwilling victims. The description in Job 41 shows that this is a formidable opponent that cannot be captured and kept as a pet; the normal person would not want anything to do with such a spirit. Although hidden it can be very powerful in its effect on people, marriages, families, churches and even nations, bringing division for reasons that at the time can seem mystifying. There is no apparent reason for such division. "An enemy has done this!"
At this point in the article, the Leviathan Spirit is only identified as something which brings division. There is no hint at who may be carrying it.
We note that it causes division. Is there a balancing statement which recognizes that not all division is wrong? This was acknowledged by the Apostle Paul: "No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval." 1 Cor 11:19.
When the leader himself is in error - and has surrounded himself only by 'yes-men', and has no accountability outside the church, where can the needed truth come from?
Apart from being king of the proud, Job 41 mentions other characteristics of this spirit:
1) You cannot play around with this spirit; it would be dangerous to attempt to do so. It cannot be tamed and has therefore to be renounced completely.
2) You cannot enter in covenant with this spirit (v. 4). It encourages people to break covenant by encouraging those under its influence to leave churches. [Ed. Bold] It can destroy marriages and break up friendships.
Red Flag. Leaving church? Is the implication here that only those 'under authority' can be taken with this spirit. We'll see...
Is it always wrong to leave a church?
Perhaps item 2) might be better put, "It encourages people to leave churches for the wrong reason." There are plenty of good reasons to leave some churches. Some may leave to attend University, or to pursue a career. When a Pastor is an unaccountable narcissist - a wolf in sheep's clothing - bent on abusing and devouring the flock (many exist), leaving may be the only option.
'Leave' would, of course, be the best advice to those struggling within such a church. Leaving David Koresh's cult, a 'bible'-based group which eventually perished in flames, would surely have been within the will of God?
No doubt, if David Koresh had access to this teaching, he would have used it as part of his arsenal to keep his followers in step. In one form or other, it is recognized as being part of the common teachings of abusive cults. And of unhealthy churches freewheeling into cult-like behaviour.
Scriptures are replete with examples of men and women exhorted by God to flee both spiritual and physical abuse. Mary and Joseph under Herod, for example. Elijah under Jezebel. In many churches, the words of Jeremiah are apt: "What sorrow awaits the leaders of my people--the shepherds of my sheep--for they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for," says the LORD"
There is a clear danger this teaching can be used (and it surely has) by controlling shepherds to vilify upright, sincere saints, who have done all in their power to address erring leadership and failed. Such teaching is frequently used to demonize those who can see.
3) Leviathan twists the truth. It misrepresents what has been said, causing people to sometimes believe the very opposite of what was said. Those under its influence hear things in a twisted way, and then pass on this twisted version, often believing it to be the truth. So this is definitely a spirit of deception. It is this twisting of the truth that makes it a difficult spirit to deal with.
Is it acknowledged here that this spirit can affect the leader of a church, as much as the flock? Or is there just a one-sided application? Can only the rank and file sheep be affected?
We note that it is a spirit of pride. Anointed leaders, in Biblical literature, are notoriously susceptible to such a spirit. King Saul gives us, perhaps, the clearest example. Was David divisive in fleeing from him? Or calling him to account? Or surrounding himself with men for protection?
And are David's 'divisive' actions towards Saul to be equated with Absolom's self-serving actions towards David? This teaching does not distinguish between the two. And in a spiritually abusive church, David is taken to be Absolom and he is punished as David was by Saul.
4) You cannot reason with this spirit because it blinds people to the truth. In fact those under its influence can be so deceived that they do not appreciate that they are deceived or are twisting the truth.
It must be acknowledged that in all well-known cult-like groups, such twisting has come from the leadership, not the victims.
The Bruderhof, a christian community which historically abused its children and punished dissenting adults, ejecting them from the community with nothing, after life-long service is one such example.
Or the Exclusive Brethren, who practise similar excommunication and shunning, banning good people from access to their own parents and even failing to inform of their deaths, simply because a member was unable to conform to the legalism expected within the group.
5) This spirit can only be overcome through the supernatural activity of God's Spirit, not by any human means.
6) "His breath kindles coals," meaning that their words have a destructive, negative effect. Those under its power become very critical, especially of those in authority [Ed. bold] They become judgmental and their words have the effect of pulling down rather than building up.
At this stage, the attribution of a 'Leviathan Spirit' seems to be primarily to those who are, supposedly, 'under' authority. There is a huge danger that this teaching may be used to vilify genuine, concerned members of the congregation, falsely accusing them of being taken by an evil spirit, when in fact they are merely voicing what needs to be heard, in a spirit of integrity.
The Bible is replete with examples of the calling of God on men and women to speak Truth to anointed, erring Power.
Sarah challenged Abraham, Nathan challenged David, Paul challenged Peter. We are admonished to entreat our elders as fathers, if needed.
There is huge potential for paranoid, self-serving leadership to misuse this teaching against brave members, standing up for what is right, their own welfare and the protection of the flock. To re-phrase the quote: "Those within its power become very critical, especially of those who call leadership to account. They become judgmental and their words have the effect of pulling down rather than building up."
7) This spirit produces a hardness of heart in people (v. 24) making it even more difficult to bring those being used by this spirit to the repentance they need.
8) Because of its pride, and because it has access into people's lives through their proud hearts, this spirit wants to be in control. So those under its influence want to control situations in which they are placed. They resist submission to true spiritual authority. [Ed. Bold]
'Resisting submission to true spiritual authority' is a triggering phrase for those who have suffered under unaccountable, wayward leadership. This is a spiritual abuser's dream teaching!
Spiritual authority, whatever it is, does not exist to require submission. True spiritual authority exists and gains its 'authority' through meek, entreatable, self-sacrificing service.
Diotrophes still exists today: "I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not welcome us. So when I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, spreading malicious nonsense about us. Not satisfied with that, he even refuses to welcome other believers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church" 1 John 3
Many find themselves in a position in which they must resist false, or self-serving authority.
Given the few examples of errant communities highlighted so far, and the acknowledgment that so many 'free' churches lack the essential accountability systems, it ought to be evident that it is irresponsible to present this teaching without providing much needed balance. To fail to do so is to play into the hands of narcissistic leaders, of which the church has plenty.
9) This is a mocking spirit, and uses mockery as one way of attacking others. It will mock those who walking in obedience to the Lord or who disagree with them, so important to them are their own opinions.
Mocking is usually unhelpful, although it is noted that Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, seemingly with God's approval.
It might also be suggested that most mockery is found, not coming from the 'rank and file' member, but in regular preaching. Mockery of other denominations, mockery of the 'unsubmissive', mockery of those considered unwise, mockery of traditions and views held by those outside the camp. It is often a manipulative tactic of the insecure leader to coerce and consolidate agreement.
10) Not only do people become hard-hearted under its influence, they become thick-skinned in the wrong sense. The truth bounces off them!
It would be wrong to omit that leadership is just as susceptible. And who is there to hold it to account, if needed?
If your church shows signs of any of the following, despite its apparently sound theology, it may be reasonable to suggest that truth is bouncing off the leadership.
Link: Could Your Evangelical Church be Called a Cult?
Because of its deceptive nature, those under its influence can mistake its voice to be from God. Typical phrases that are used by those under its influence are: "The Lord said to me..." and "I felt in my spirit..." But when you check out what is said it does not tie in with either the scriptures or the way in which the Holy Spirit leads people. Remember that its intention is to encourage people to break covenant and to bring division into the church. It opposes covenant and wants people to excuse themselves from contracts and other commitments. [Ed. Bold]
Historically, it is often a Pastor who, left unchecked and thinking that his mind is fused with mind of God, is most guilty of imposing his will on a congregation under the guise of 'God said to me'. Often what is said does not check out or tie in with Scripture. Instead it imposes legalistic, lock-step behaviour and a false call to unity, which serves only the Pastor and the shoring-up of his kingdom, maintaining a steady course towards cult-hood. With nobody 'from the floor' to speak up, the slide is surely inevitable.
Proverbs actually exhorts us to remove ourselves from abusive covenants.
My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,
you have been trapped by what you said,
ensnared by the words of your mouth.
So do this, my son, to free yourself,
since you have fallen into your neighbor’s hands:
Go—to the point of exhaustion—
and give your neighbor no rest!
Allow no sleep to your eyes,
no slumber to your eyelids.
Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Proverbs 6
The Bible teaches that believers have a Covenant with God.
What, however, is the status and enduring nature of any other covenant?
Is there a covenant between a Pastor and his flock? What are its terms? No doubt, David Koresh played the 'covenant card' with his own followers, resulting in their demise.
I would be forgiven for thinking that the above is more the language of dictatorial authority and heavy shepherding than true service to the body of Christ.
Surely even a marriage covenant, in which a wife is repeatedly battered and abused by her husband is not beyond dissolving in the eyes of God? Or do we ban her from remarriage because she has been a victim?
Not all covenants are binding at all costs...
Typically, this spirit brings false allegations against people, especially those in leadership. [Ed. Bold] Often outrageous things are said that are a complete distortion or twisting of the truth. We are warned in scripture not to bite or devour one another, or we will be consumed by one another. The honouring of one another is essential to prevent this spirit from gaining any foothold in the church.[Ed. Bold]
And typically, some errant Pastors, wolves in sheep's clothing, bring false allegations against those who call them to account. No, we are not to bite and devour one another. There is a respectful way to speak truth to power. But there is no honour where there is no truth. The 'honour card' is one of the most commonly played in an abusive system. It often deflects from the addressing of very pressing issues.
Truth is not to be trumped by 'loyalty-at-any-cost'.
Leviathan defeated Those who have advertently or inadvertently been used by this spirit need to repent and ask the Lord's forgiveness. Those who have been carriers of this spirit will need to be broken of their pride that has given the enemy opportunity to bring so much disruption into their own lives and the lives of others that they have influenced. The longer this is left, the more difficult it becomes to take the necessary spiritual steps to be rid of its influence. There has to be a humbling and a breaking of proud, self-righteous, independent attitudes.
Where there is such repentance there is nothing to fear from Leviathan, for the Lord is then able to restore people. During their time under Leviathan's influence they have not been able to prosper spiritually, but once forgiven and restored they can again flow with the Holy Spirit, the right Spirit. A true sense of direction and purpose is then restored to their lives, instead of the disruption they previously experienced
It is good for everyone to stand against being under any influence from this spirit by praying in the following way:
"Lord, I ask you to remove from my life any influence from the spirit of Leviathan. I reject this spirit completely and whole-heartedly. Forgive me for any ways that I have served this spirit either intentionally or inadvertently. Forgive me for any ways in which I have been twisted or have twisted the truth, that I have listened to distortion of the truth or have distorted the truth. I devote myself to bringing unity, not division, into the church and will therefore honour other members and those you have placed in authority. By your grace I will speak the truth in love and dedicate myself to expressing the truth of your word in my life, in the precious name of Jesus. Amen." "
Is there an equivalent prayer here, to be offered sincerely by those 'in authority'? I can't see it.
I suggest, "Lord I ask you to remove from my life any influence from the spirit of Leviathan. Where I have knowingly or unknowingly used my authority to protect myself from truth, to seek my own kingdom, to damage those to whom I am accountable in order to save my own skin, I repent. I will go to them and ask for forgiveness for my specific sins and yield to any process of accountability that will keep my self-serving pride as a leader in check."
After Leviathan
After the Lord had described this spirit to Job, he was humbled before the Lord: "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." His response was to say to God: "I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." Following his repentance and after he had prayed for his friends, Job was then restored by the Lord who "made him prosper again and gave him twice as much as he had before" he possessed before he came under attack from the enemy.
Life after deliverance from Leviathan is much better than it was before! We are told to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from us, precisely what God promises concerning Leviathan. So it is important to repent before God and to put yourself right in the relationships that have suffered while under the influence of this Leviathan spirit. So the effects of freedom from this spirit are corporate as well as personal.
In Isaiah 27, after the Lord has promised to deal personally with Leviathan, He tells the people: "Sing about a fruitful vineyard: I, the Lord, watch over it; I water it continually; I guard it day and night so that no one may harm it." (v. 2-3)
So your security is to be found in the vine. Do not allow this spirit to isolate you by drawing you out of this place of the Lord's security, [Ed. Bold] and thereby making you vulnerable to the enemy's tactics.
As this teaching recognizes, a believer's security is to be found in 'the vine.' Spiritually abusive churches preach, as also implied here, that leaving their community draws them out of the Lord's security. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Although some at Kingdom Faith have shown a lack of understanding of these spiritual realities, most have been wise in guarding themselves against this deceiving spirit. Leviathan has failed in its attempts to influence them. Some have had thoughts that they should leave Kingdom Faith, although they have not wanted to do this, nor do they have any good reason for doing so. Some have heard false rumours about the church or the leadership. Some have been confused by conflicting things they have heard: The truth on the one hand and a twisting of the truth on the other that is the result of Leviathan's influence.
At the same time people have had dreams, visions and words from God that have described accurately what has been taking place, warning them not to break covenant and make themselves and their families vulnerable to this twisting spirit. Some have actually experienced a physical twisting in their stomachs that is overcome when they come against this in the name of Jesus.
As a church, by the grace of God we emerge triumphant, for God always leads us in His triumphant procession in Christ Jesus! The Lord has shown people that a cleansing and a purging of the Body has been taking place and that this is a prelude to the time of much greater blessing and fruitfulness that lies just ahead of us.[Ed. Bold] In fact there is a sense of fresh anointing and vibrancy in so many areas of Kingdom Faith life.
Although some at Kingdom Faith have shown a lack of understanding of these spiritual realities, most have been wise in guarding themselves against this deceiving spirit. Leviathan has failed in its attempts to influence them. Some have had thoughts that they should leave Kingdom Faith, although they have not wanted to do this, nor do they have any good reason for doing so. Some have heard false rumours about the church or the leadership. Some have been confused by conflicting things they have heard: The truth on the one hand and a twisting of the truth on the other that is the result of Leviathan's influence.
At the same time people have had dreams, visions and words from God that have described accurately what has been taking place, warning them not to break covenant and make themselves and their families vulnerable to this twisting spirit. Some have actually experienced a physical twisting in their stomachs that is overcome when they come against this in the name of Jesus.
As a church, by the grace of God we emerge triumphant, for God always leads us in His triumphant procession in Christ Jesus! The Lord has shown people that a cleansing and a purging of the Body has been taking place and that this is a prelude to the time of much greater blessing and fruitfulness that lies just ahead of us.[Ed. Bold] In fact there is a sense of fresh anointing and vibrancy in so many areas of Kingdom Faith life.
This line of reasoning, that God has purged the body of impurity when people have left, is standard doctrine within all cults, without exception. It entails the assumption that the ones who are left do not need to examine themselves. It leads to ungodly and cult-like shunning. It separates families due to the guilt entailed associating with one who has left and who must, no doubt, be impure and an 'agent of the enemy'. It assumes that leadership is without fault and that the purity of the community is now somehow enhanced. It has, historically, justified the burning of martyrs at the stake and the devastating excommunication of those unable to conform. In cults and cult-like churches it entails false accusation towards those who have come to their senses and it maintains the Utopian myth for those who remain.
This kind of self-protection smacks of pride and is open to shocking self-deception. It ought, at least, to raise questions in one thinking of joining such a group.
The promises of harvest and abundance shall be realised and this attack from the enemy cannot prevent this. As Job said to the Lord immediately after being told about this twisting spirit: "No plans of yours can be thwarted."
You may have come to the brink of a major breakthrough with God, only to sense that something has stood in the way of the breakthrough. That something is now being dealt with and you can be free to enter fully into the Lord's destiny for you personally and for Kingdom Faith corporately.
Of course we shall remain vigilant in prayer and in praise for our Mighty Warrior God who has gone before us to give us the victory over this and all the works of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
Only a very few have been taken out from among us, and we continue in prayer for them; that they will restored to us having been set free from all the effects of this spirit. We do not want to see anyone robbed of the inheritance that was theirs as part of Kingdom Faith,[Ed. bold] and we pray God's peace upon them and their families.
This kind of self-protection smacks of pride and is open to shocking self-deception. It ought, at least, to raise questions in one thinking of joining such a group.
The promises of harvest and abundance shall be realised and this attack from the enemy cannot prevent this. As Job said to the Lord immediately after being told about this twisting spirit: "No plans of yours can be thwarted."
You may have come to the brink of a major breakthrough with God, only to sense that something has stood in the way of the breakthrough. That something is now being dealt with and you can be free to enter fully into the Lord's destiny for you personally and for Kingdom Faith corporately.
Of course we shall remain vigilant in prayer and in praise for our Mighty Warrior God who has gone before us to give us the victory over this and all the works of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
Only a very few have been taken out from among us, and we continue in prayer for them; that they will restored to us having been set free from all the effects of this spirit. We do not want to see anyone robbed of the inheritance that was theirs as part of Kingdom Faith,[Ed. bold] and we pray God's peace upon them and their families.
The inheritance of a Christian is his because he is part of Christ, according to biblical teaching, not because he is part of a specific church. A christian does not lose his inheritance when he leaves the local church.
Taken together, the teachings promoted here serve, intentionally or unintentionally to insulate leadership from accountability and to prevent appropriate challenge being made when it is imperative to do so. Yes, a church may contain its Absaloms - and it is incumbent on the church to manage them with care, consideration and grace. The outcome of this teaching's emphasis, however, is to tar all objectors with the same brush and to insulate leadership.
For those who find it difficult to recognize spiritual abusive teaching and practice in churches, perpetrated by leaders and justified by unbalanced teaching such as this, I suggest a good look here: Red Flags
And to those leaders who insist on preaching this dangerous message (as it stands) I plead for balance.
Or is it possible that you, too, carry the spirit of Leviathan?
Taken together, the teachings promoted here serve, intentionally or unintentionally to insulate leadership from accountability and to prevent appropriate challenge being made when it is imperative to do so. Yes, a church may contain its Absaloms - and it is incumbent on the church to manage them with care, consideration and grace. The outcome of this teaching's emphasis, however, is to tar all objectors with the same brush and to insulate leadership.
For those who find it difficult to recognize spiritual abusive teaching and practice in churches, perpetrated by leaders and justified by unbalanced teaching such as this, I suggest a good look here: Red Flags
And to those leaders who insist on preaching this dangerous message (as it stands) I plead for balance.
Or is it possible that you, too, carry the spirit of Leviathan?
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